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Glitter uses a small animation to indicate when files are being downloaded. My graphics skills are non-existent and the current animation is very poor. Therefore I decided to hold a competition in the hope that someone would create a really cool animation.

Grant Petersen has supplied three excellent animations and is the winner of the competition. Below are Grant's three entries:

Entry 1   Entry 2   Entry 3

The gas plasma animation is included in the current release of glitter. Grant explains the thinking behind this animation:

I got onto the idea of USENET being old tech in a new wrapper. I mean, glitter is a tool that makes one of the older and less glam' internet services more attractive.

So I thought; this is like old tech stuff, space invaders, pinball: the art of the tech stuff from the 70's. I thought of gas plasma displays on pinball machines and this look was born. A swish gnomy image that slides back and, hey what's that - Gasplasma! (Old tech in new tech' clothes). Grant Petersen.

Original Author : Alexander Mosley
Current Maintainer : Stephen Toothman
Last Modified: Tue Feb 1 19:45:59 CST 2005